- 論文の詳細を見る
A hundred and sixty patients with whiplash injuries were evaluated clinically for 3 years. Eighty-three per cent (133 cases) of all patients were free from symptoms within 3 months. However, seventeen per cent (27 cases) had many symptoms including headache, numbness in extremities, vertigo, and accommodative disturbances for more than 3 months. These 27 patients with long term effects tended to be in their fifties and have Barrè-Lieou and radiculopathy type injuries. Clinical results in all patients were not related to the presence of degenerative changes, A-P diameter of the spinal canal, nor alignment of cervical spine on the x-p findings. MRI showed disc or bony abnormalities with dural compression in some patients with poor outcome. MRI evaluation may be useful for predicting final outcome.
- 5. 自然気胸が発見動機となった肺巨細胞癌の1例 : 第26回日本肺癌学会九州支部会
- 示-160 胆嚢腺癌と胆管腺扁平上皮癌の重複例(第38回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- むち打ち損傷患者の検討
- Fracture-Dislocation of the Thoracic Spine Without Spinal Cord Injury. A Case Report.