Resumption of Athletic Activity in Patients Who Underwent Conser Ative Treatment of Torn Lateral Ligaments.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A freshly torn lateral ligament of the ankle often requires surgical therapy. Operative treatment is usually selected if radiographic examination performed with the heel held under adduction stress reveals a tilting angle (TT) of the talus greater than 10 degrees.This study compared the results of surgical and conservative therapies and we hoped that our findings would help to clarify the limitations of conservative therapy. Subjects included those whose talus was tilted over 10 degrees with the heel fully inverted. Torn lateral ligaments were conservatively treated in 214 patients at our hospital. The mean difference in TT between the right and left ankles was 7.96 degrees in these patients. The difference in treatment results between patients with a TT of over 10 degrees and those under 10 degrees was statistically significant. The difference in treat ment results between patients undergoing surgical and conservative therapies in patients with a TT of less than 10 degrees was not statistically significant.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
清家 渉
小柳 俊二
小文字病院整形外科 清水病院整形外科
前山 巌
小文字病院整形外科 清水病院整形外科
清水 正人
篠崎 裕樹
小柳 俊二
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- The clinical study of the ankle fracture.
- MRI Evaluation of Stress Fractures in our Sports Clinic.
- Resumption of Athletic Activity in Patients Who Underwent Conser Ative Treatment of Torn Lateral Ligaments.