Stress Fractures in High School Baseball and Tennis Teams.
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Stress fractures are a common sporting injury particularly seen among adolescents. This is a case report about stress fractures seen in players of a high school baseball team and tennis team.131 players consulted us since 1992. We found 13 stress fractures in 12 players (tennis: 8, baseball: 5).In regard to the fracture site, 5 tennis players and one baseball player had a fracture of the tibiae; 2 tennis players and 2 baseball players involved the metatarsi. One baseball player's fracture was of the ribs; one tennis player had a fracture of the hallux sesamoid and one of the calcaneus.Four regular players of tennis and one regular player of baseball were included. Regular tennis players tended to suffer more stress fractures of the tibiae.Remodeling of pitching form is also supposed to cause baseball players' stress fractuers in the first grade. Early checkup and treatment are needed for those players who develop symptoms of stress fractures.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
西岡 英次
百田 耕
山内 豊明
矢野 〓二
矢野 〓二
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