Combined Translaminal Facet Screw fixation and Inter-spinous Process Fusion (H-graft) Techniques in Lumbar Spinal Fusion.
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There have been reports of several complications such as neuologic injury due to inaccurate pedicular screw insertion, breakage of the screw or rods and loosening of the screws using transpedicular screw instrumentation.With a safer and easier technique to achieve a solid stabilization, as in transpeduncular fixation, we employed the combination of inter-spinous process fusion (ISPF) and translaminar facer screw fixation technique (TFSF).Features of the TFSF technique include the following (1) by having direct screw insertion to the facet, stabilization of the whole range of motion of the moter segment can be obtained. (2) is a relatively easy technique, with no major inherent risk.However disadvantages include the fact that spinous processes and lamina are not as strong as rhe pedicle, making this procedure not recommended for use in osteoporosis.To overcome this disadvantage we simultaneously employed this technique with TLSF, and treated 19 cases of unstable lumbar disc lesion in this series.The average age of patients was 53 years (range from 30 years to 72 years).The follow-up period was 6-18 months (mean 9.8 months).Ten patients had retrolisthesis with or without lumbosacral transitional vertebrael, 5 failed lumbar disc surgery, 3 cases had degenerative spondylolisthesis and 1 unstable disc with congenital kyphoscoliosis.The spinous processes in patients with osteoporosis were reinforced by two strut bones bilaterally and then a wire inserted.These patients tended to get quicker consolidation than the group who were stabilized with only the ISPF technique. At the present time there have been no screw or wire breakages and no neurological complications.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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- Combined Translaminal Facet Screw fixation and Inter-spinous Process Fusion (H-graft) Techniques in Lumbar Spinal Fusion.