Problems of anterior cruciant ligament reconstruction. Surgical technique and return to sport after surgery.:Surgical technique and return to sport after surgery
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Follow-up studies of 90 cases of ACL reconstruction were reviewed. The surgical technique used was arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using bone-patella tendon-bone through the over-the-top route. The mean duration of follow-up after surgery was 44 months (24-71). Fifty-seven cases returned to sport at the same lower level they had prior to their injury or higher. Twenty-two returned to sporthing achvites at a lower level and twenty-one stopped participating in sport. The reasons for stopping included going to college, getting a job and fear of reinjury.Severe complications of ACL reconstruction were not found except for pain during sitting Japanese-shyle and weighting on the anterior scar of the patella tendon. The gross ligament mass should be used as soon as possible resulting in the second looks of arthroscoic exsamination. We use the patella tendon of 10mm width and transplant iliotibial band to the resected patella tendon and bone chips to the patella.
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- Problems of anterior cruciant ligament reconstruction. Surgical technique and return to sport after surgery.:Surgical technique and return to sport after surgery
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