Clinical Trial of Graf Flexible Stabilization System; Short-term results.:Short-term results
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We report on the short term results using the Graf flexible stabilizing system for surgery on the lumbar spine. The concept of flexible stabilizing is comparatively new in Japan.Between 1993 to 1995, 43 patients were operated on using with this method. The patients included 26 males and 17 females with a mean age of 58 years.Preoperative diagnoses were degenerative spondylolisthesis in 18 patients, lumbar disc herniation in 17 patients and lumbar spinal canal stenosis in 8 patients. Nerve decompression was performed in all cases proceeding stabilization with the Graf system.98% of the patients were evaluated as achieving excellent or good results. Post operative X-ray films showed improvement in the functional stability of the lumbar spine but structural displacement was not corrected. In conclusion, flexible stabilization using the Graf system seems to be effective for patients with remarkable functional instability of the lumbar spine.
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