Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion by Total Facetectomy for Lumbar Degenerative Disorders.
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Sixty three patients were treated with posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) by and total facetectomy (TF) for lumbar degenerative disorders. Patients were followed clinically and radiographically over one year. Fusion was achieved in 90.6% of cases with few complications, and good clinical results were shown in most patients with low back pain and leg pain. Apart from 13 patients that were treated with both PLF and PLIF, the remaining 70% of cases were operated on using excised strut laminar bone, without grafted bone gathered from the ilium. PLIF could prevent pain caused by picked ilium bone. We believe that PLIF by TF offers spinal surgeon many advantages in surgical technique and clinical status.
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