分譲マンション復興をめぐる住民間コンフリクトの動態 (特集 阪神大震災後のグループ・ダイナミックス--5年目の実践・反省・収穫)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the restoration process of condominiums that were severely damaged by the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Specifically, based on an intensive survey of 41 condominiums, the actual conditions of consensus formation process among dwellers on how to restore their condominiums were clarified, by using the framework that described dynamic states of the consensus formation process among people concerned. According to the laws, the restoration of condominium is regulated to follow the cause-effect logic; ‘objective damage→the group decision of restoration way’. However, the result of analysis of the restoration process of condominium with a serious conflict between the rebuildgroup and the repair-group on how to restore their condominiums revealed that the actual process of condominium restoration followed another logic; ‘dwellers’ preference on how to restore→social construction of objective damage. Implications of the result were discussed.