学級における教師行動の変化が児童の学級適応に与える影響 (教育集団力学<特集>)
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The purpose of this action research was to examine the effects of experimentally induced changes of teaching behavior on students' classroom adjustment. Sixteen teachers ranging from fourth to sixth grades and their students served as subjects. In a preexperimental session, all of these students were asked to rate the teaching behavior of their teachers toward them, and their own classroom adjustment. Thereafter, 9 classes were selected as an experimental group, and 7 classes as a control. At the beginning of the experimental session, each teacher in an experimental class was asked to increase his/her interactive teaching behavior toward those students who had rated their teachers' behavior toward them poorly. These induced attempts were continued for three weeks. Teachers in the control classes received no such experimental manipulation. In the post-experimental session, all of the students in the 16 classes were again asked to rate teaching behavior of their teachers toward them, and their own classroom adjustment. The results showed that the classroom adjustment scores of target students in the experimental group became more favorable due to the changes in teaching behavior.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
- PF49 学級の雰囲気に及ぼす教師の影響力
- 現職教員教育に教育心理学はどのように貢献できるか(現職教員教育に教育心理学はどのように貢献できるか)
- 対談1フィールドワークによる仮説の生成(準備委員会企画対談)
- 対談1 フィールドワークによる仮説の生成
- 日本教育心理学会第41回総会の開催にあたって
- 児童の回答に対する教師のフィードバックにおける処遇差
- 618 部活動における教師行動に関する研究(生徒指導,社会3,口頭発表)
- 617 児童の回答に対する教師のフィードバックに関する研究 : 児童に対する認知および感情による処遇差(生徒指導,社会3,口頭発表)
- 616 児童の無答に対する教師の言語的フィードバックに関する研究(生徒指導,社会3,口頭発表)
- 615 児童に対する教師の視覚的非言語行動に関する研究(生徒指導,社会3,口頭発表)