メタゲ-ム理論と囚人のディレンマにおける条件付方略の拡張 (インタ-パ-ソナル・コミュニケ-ション<特集>)
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Howard's (1966) formal solution for the Prisoner's Dilemma is based upon a concept of “metagame” which allows several levels of conditional strategies. If player B reacts to player A's strategies, this forms BG metagame. In metagame BG, outcome (d, d/d) is the only equilibrium, where x/y=x if A chooses c, and x/y=y if A chooses d, and it yields (d, d) in the basic game G. If A reacts to B's reactions to A's strategy choices, this forms ABG metagame. In metagame ABG, both (c, c) and (d, d) are metaequilibria, and possible stable outcomes in G.<BR>The purpose of this study is to examine the possible reactions of subject (player A) to hypothetical player B's possible strategy choices, and to evaluate the metagame theoretic assertions.<BR>One hundred and fifty-nine subjects are randomly assigned to one of the five payoff matrices. In each payoff condition, subjects were told to react by choosing c or d to a basic game G situation, four metagame AG situations, and four expanded metagame ABG situations, which are represented in questionaires.<BR>The main results can be summarized as follows:<BR>(1) In a basic game G situation and all four metagame AG situations, nearly all subjects have no hesitation in choosing d regardless of payoff matrices.<BR>(2) In expanded metagame ABG situations, if and only if hypothetical player B chooses c/d, many of the subjects choose c and more than half of them expect that outcome (c, c) is stable regardless of payoff matrices.<BR>These results sugest that mutual expectations, defined as reciprocal expectations that go on to higher-order, are essential for agents to coordinate their actions.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
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- メタゲ-ム理論と囚人のディレンマにおける条件付方略の拡張 (インタ-パ-ソナル・コミュニケ-ション)