- 論文の詳細を見る
It was believed for long years that distribution system in Japan was traditional and far retarded from that of the western societies. However, Japanese manufacturers and retailers has made efforts in modernizing themselves by learning and introducing modern marketing theory and know-how mainly from the United States. And now they are actively engaging in selling Japanese products to Europe and the United States for which economic frictions arise. <BR>This article try to make clear how distribution system and marketing technique has been modernized from the Meiji period to present. In this connection, two aspects which is believed to characterize the modernization process of distribution system and marketing in Japan are pointed out. In considering the market for manufacturers and distributors in pre-war Japan, two completely different type of markets had been developed : they were 'international market' and 'domestic market'. The former was newly opened market for Japan and was mainly carried out by such big zaibatsu enterprises as Mitsui Bussan and Mitsubishi Shoji. The latter was traditional one and was dealt by traditional distributers in traditional way. <BR>Modernization had occured in both markets. In international market, it was sogo-shosha which led the modernization and, in domestic market, they were such retailors as Mitsukoshi and Takashimaya and also such manufacturers as Shiseido, Morinaga, Ajinomoto and Matsushita which started the production of new products. In both cases, influence of western knowledge and technique was very strong. However, as a whole, traditional character of the distribution system was remained. <BR>It was only after the War that retailing revolution and modern marketing by manufacturers gave big influence on the whole system of distribution in Japan. But such dual charachter of market still exists even today and it is the reason why European and American claim Japan's domestic market as of non-tariff barrior. This article makes clear this dual character of Japan's distribution system in its historical perspectives.
- 経営史学会の論文
- 竹中靖一、宮本又次監修, 『経営理念の系譜 : その国際比較』, 東洋文化社、一九七九年九月、三〇一頁、三五〇〇円
- 下川浩一著, 『米国自動車産業経営史研究』東洋経済新報社、昭和五十二年四月五日刊、IV+三三六頁
- 都留重人・本田創造・宮野啓二編, 『アメリカ資本主義の成立と展開』, 昭和四十九年十一月、岩波書店刊、A5、三九四頁
- 米川伸一著 『経営史学 : 生誕・現状・展望』, (昭和四八年三月十五日・東洋経済新報社刊、二二二頁)
- 豊原治郎著 「アメリカ海運通商史研究」, (一九六七年一月・未来社刊・四〇二頁)
- 西洋 11 アメリカ合衆国北部・西部自由諸州をめぐる諸問題 (最近10年間における社会経済史学の発達)
- 豊原治郎著 「アメリカ産業革命史序説」, (未来社刊・本文二七四頁・参考文献一三頁)
- 井上忠勝著 『アメリカ経営史』, (神戸大学経済経営研究所, 昭和三六年刊・本文二九七頁・付図四)
- 一九世紀初頭南部ニュー・イングランド地方における農村構造 : アメリカ合衆國における産業革命の基礎的檢討
- 日本のマ-ケティング--その伝統性と近代性についての一考察