経済システムの変化と家族 (特集 経済システムの変化と家族)
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At present, the economic changes occurring in the Japanese society (such as IT revolution, globalization of economy, etc.) have shaken the structure of the traditional Japanese economic system (such as life-long employment system, supreme priority on enterprise, etc.) as well as the mode of Japanese family which has been closely related with the economic system. On the other hand, the effect of changes in family (such as decreasing children and ageing of family members) on the economic system cannot be neglected.<BR>At the symposium of this year, economists and family sociologists were requested to discuss the future of economy and family. Two economists made suggestions on the image of future family from the viewpoint of the perspective on the future economy and two family sociologists emphasized the conservativeness in the way of how the family, enterprise and policies have been at present.<BR>Definitely, it has become necessary to discuss the mutual relationship between the economy and family in order to see through the future of the Japanese society.
- 学術団体 日本家族社会学会の論文
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- 経済システムの変化と家族 (特集 経済システムの変化と家族)
- A.ギデンズ著『親密性の変容』