在日日系ブラジル家族と第二世代のアイデンティティ形成過程--CCK/TCKの視点から (特集 グローバル化時代の移動する家族と子どもたち--TCK・ブラジル日系・ムスリムとの国際結婚)
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This paper examines the dynamic process of acculturation and identity formation among the second generation of Japanese Brazilian transmigrant families in Japan. In Japanese social, cultural, and symbolic context, they are positioned in the “liminal space” between “Japanese”and “foreigner.” However, as Japan's new ethnic minority, they are now recognized as one of theat-risk groups of “social exclusion and NEET : Not in Education, Employment or Training.” Thefield research data revealed the stratified patterns of their acculturation, in relation to parentalhuman capital, social context of receiving school and community, and family structure. It alsoconfirms the fact that a sizable segment of them are caught in downward assimilation andmarginal identity, without having the chance to foster their cultural potential as CCK/TCK inJapan. With the increased mobility and cultural mixing of today's global world, we can nolonger ignore these children in cultural margins. It is time for us to reconfigure the Japanesesocio-cultural system to integrate them, so Japanese CCKs/TCKs can develop cultural resourcesand multiple identities as full members of our society.