Paleogeography of the Sarobetsu Moor and its Surroundings in Alluvial Age
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Sarobetsu Moor is situated in north Hokkaido, and is one of the largest moor in Japan. The writer has studied this moor and its surroundings by stratigraphical and pollen analytical methods. The results are as follows:Sea level(at Wakasakanai) Chronology0m MOOR FORMING PERIOD WITH THREE ARID PHASES.-5m Volcanic activities. The course of the River Sarobetsu fixed. SAROBETSU LAKE AND SAND DUNE FORMING PERIOD.+6.5m Volcanic activities. Sand spits were formed. SAROBETSU SEA PERIOD.-26m Basal peat was formed.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文