人類学・考古学のための磁気年代学 日本におけるその現状展望 (年代測定特集号)
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It is essential for the magnetic dating of archaeological remains and sites that the changes in geomagnetic elements are known with regard to the relevant period in the past. Secular variation curves of the direction of geomagnetism in historic and protohistoric times in Japan have been set up by means of the natural remanent magnetism of baked earth from ceramic kilns, lava flows and tuffs, the absolute dates of them being determined by archaeological and documentary evidences. As to the Yayoi and Jomon period, charcoal was occasionally found from the dwelling pit where baked earth samples were collected so that the radiocarbon date determined from the charcoal was directly connected with the geomagnetic direction obtained from the baked earth. Change in the intensity of geomagnetism in the past has also been traced back into the Jomon period. Magnetic dating may be achieved more effectively, if the change in the intensity is taken into account together with that in the direction of geomagnetism.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文
- ジャワの人類化石含有層 (外国における第四紀研究と日本における研究)
- 人類学からみた前期洪積世 特に明石原人を含めて (前期洪積世の諸問題(特集)) -- (前期洪積世の諸問題)
- 人類学・考古学のための磁気年代学 日本におけるその現状展望 (年代測定特集号)
- 繩文および弥生時代のC14年代 (沖積層特集号)
- 町田・鈴木・宮崎論文に対する論評 (日本旧石器(特集)) -- (南関東の立川,武蔵野ロームにおける先土器時代遺物包含層の編年)