第4紀学を応用した土地造成法--土木工事に係わる土地改変 (大規模土地改変と第4紀研究<シンポジウム>)
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Slope failure is strongly influenced by geological phenomena in the Quaternary. For instance, slope failure is often found in an area of remarkable upheaval in the Quaternary, the terminal area of a peneplane, the surrounding area of a Quaternary fault, an alteration zone and a strongly weathered area. These geological phenomena should be well grasped in land transformation and furthermore, changes by land transformation themselves should also be considered. The latter changes include stress release, change of cut plane and progress of deterioration.To evaluate exactly these geological phenomena in the Quaternary and influences by land transformation, it seems effective to analyze past slope failures in detail under various geological and topographical conditions.
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- 第4紀学を応用した土地造成法--土木工事に係わる土地改変 (大規模土地改変と第4紀研究)