Quaternary Land Connections of Japanese Islands with Continent from the Viewpoints of Palaeomammalogy
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In the Quaternary land stages of Japanese Islands, the land mammals largely migrated through the land bridges of Korea and Saghalien. When the sea level of Japan in glacial age was 140m lower than that of today, the Islands became a part of Chinese Continent and the Japan Sea an inland lake or lagoon. Its barren endemic species owes its origin to this geohistory. The Ryukyu land bridge was insufficient since the connection with Formosa in Villafranchian, and Tokara Strait between Amami- and Yaku-Tanega Islands had been open since Günz-Mindelian, causing strong separation between Holoearctic- and Oriental faunae. As shown in the Table, the writer mentions 6 land mammalian faunae respectively for the stages of I1-K of Japanese Quaternary. I2 fauna is much related to the Waiho faunae of Middle China. I1-I2 faunae migrated through the Korean land bridge from the Lower Yangtze area. J1 fauna is the most barren of all faunae. J2 fauna of Amur-alpine elements becomes the base of the succeeding funae. J3 fauna is much related with the Kushungrung fauna of Manchuria and seems to have migrated through the Saghalien land bridge. The abrupt appearance of exotic elements indicates a migration from continent, while specific-subspecific speciation reflects the stage of insulation. The Tsushima strait area in J3 stage had a kind of ecological control over the migration of land mammals. Rich endemic species of molluscan fauna of the Okhotsk Sea shows a sufficiently long history as sea and also the insufficient condition of the Kuril land bridge. It is a problem whether Japanese alpine flora and fauna are deduciable to the migration in Rissian or that in Würmian. The fauna of the Japan Sea is more closely related to that of the Okhotsk than to that of the warm Kuroshio. In Würmian the Kuroshio current could not intrude into the Japan Sea and its warm endemic types became almost extinct.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文
- 台湾の早期更新世脊椎動物群について : 第四紀
- 宮城県利府の中部三畳紀層産魚類化石(日本脊椎動物化石資料-3)
- 長野県東筑摩郡四賀村取出の鯨化石(日本脊椎動物化石資料-1)
- Quaternary Land Connections of Japanese Islands with Continent from the Viewpoints of Palaeomammalogy