- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of visual pursuit of a smoothly moving target on the perceptual stability or position constancy of a nonmoving object was studied at two temporal phases, i.e., when the target appeared and when it disappeared. A test flash was presented at various phases of time after appearance and disappearance of a moving target tracked by the eyes. The apparent position of the flash was frequently displaced (the loss of position constancy) in the direction opposite to the target motion. It was maximal in frequency at about 0.6 s after the appearance and relatively high for 0.4 to 2 s after the disappearance of the target. Then, in the latter case, the displacement reversed, i.e., in the same direction as the target motion. The reversal was sooner for the target which moved faster. The results were discussed in terms of the cancellation hypotheses. Some temporal characteristics of the pursuit extraretinal signal and of the retinal one were suggested.
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