The influence of depth-cues on paths of apparent motion.
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In the present study, we examined how the disparities in length, size or luminance between stimuli would affect the choice of apparent motion path when a stationary stimulus was spatially interposed between two apparent motion stimuli. The results were as follows; (1) the perceived motion path in depth differed in quality as to whether or not there was a depth impression based on the disparity; (2) with depth cue, say, when apparent motion stimuli were larger (or smaller) in length, size or luminance than the stationary stimulus, subjects often saw a single object translating in the frontal plane, in front of (or behind) the stationary stimulus; (3) on the other hand, with no depth cue, they saw indiscriminated motion in depth or curving motions, especially back-curving motion, at the stationary stimulus. It was suggested that in apparent motion the visual system avoids a collision between a moving object and interposed stimulus, by choosing a path of translating motion in depth, but it occasionally shows a tendency to choose a path of motion, curving behind the interposed stimulus.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
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- Depth cues in determining kinetic occlusion by apparent movement.