情報伝達におけるタンパクリン酸化の意義 : 最近の展開
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Since the discovery of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, attention has been directed to the possible molecular mechanisms of biological regulation by which intracellular events are controlled by external stimuli. A number of protein kinases are regulated by specific agents which serve as messengers in relaying signals, extracellularly. Protein kinase C was discovered in 1977 by Nishizuka et. al. Recently, cDNA cloning and the sequence analysis of protein kinase C suggested the existence of several forms of this kinase. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed cell type specific expression of the enzyme in cerebellum and other tissues.
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- 情報伝達におけるタンパクリン酸化の意義 : 最近の展開
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