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To develop a new blood compatible polymer, it is important to evaluate blood-material interactions carefully. In this review article, the evaluation of blood compatibility of a polymer containing a phospholipid polar group, poly (2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) -co-n-butyl methacrylate (BMA)), with human whole blood and its application for medical membrane were reported. When human whole blood without an anticoagulant was contacted with polymers, the blood cell adhesion and aggregation on the polymer without the MPC moiety was extensive, and considerable fibrin deposition was observed. The MPC moiety in the copolymer plays an important role in the nonthrombogenic behavior of the copolymer. The adsorption of phospholipids and proteins from human plasma on poly (MPC-co-BMA) was investigated to clarify the mechanism of the nonthrombogenicity observed on the polymer. The amount of phospholipids was increased; whereas, adsorbed proteins were decreased with an increase in the MPC composition. From these results, it is concluded that the phospholipids adsorbed on poly (MPC-co-BMA) play the most important role in the nonthrombogenicity of the MPC copolymer. By use of the protein adsorption resistance property observed on poly (MPC-co-BMA), the stability of membrane performance in blood contacting circumstance or in living organisms could be improved. For example, responsibility of blood glucose sensor covered with poly (MPC-co-BMA) membrane was not reduced even after 7 days implantation in subcutaneous of rat. Therefore, it can be considered that the MPC copolymers have excellent potential to improve blood compatibility, protein adsorption resistibility on every medical membrane and device.
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