Hydrogels Containing a Periodic Structure of Bilayer Membranes.
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Polymer hydrogels that contain a periodic structure of bilayer membranes have been synthesized and characterized as a novel hybrid material. The hybrid gels show some unique properties which cannot be obtained from the individual polymer gels and the bilayer membranes. Iridescent color resulting from the Bragg diffraction of visible light by the periodic structure of bilayer membranes can be changed by controlling the swelling degree of the gel. Introduction of bilayer membranes strongly affects the volume phase transition behavior of the gel. By polymerizing a gel while shear flow is imposed upon the solution to be geled, anisotropic gel has been synthesized. The hybrid gels show more than seven times larger elastic modulus, and can be extended more than three times before fracture than the simple polymer gel. An anisotropic gel shows anisotropic swelling and mechanical properties.
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