Rifampicinによる肝障害についての検討 主として肝生検所見について
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In 7 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, observations were made on the changes of liver functions and liver biopsy findings during Rifampicin (RFP) treatment. RFP was used daily in a dose of 450 mg: day for 3 to 12 months. All cases had been treated with various antituberculosis drugs.<BR>It was fo u nd that the liver function tests showed no abnormalities in all the cases examined except slight rise of GPT 60, 66 found in 2 cases.<BR>The liver biopsy showed no pathological ch a nges in 1 patient who was administered RFP for 12: months, while, in the other 6 cases, fatty degeneration was observed mainly in the intermediate zone of liver lobule to a relatively slight extent. The liver biopsy was repeated in 2 cases, and it was found that the cellular infiltration and the proliferation of connective tissue were reduced, but he fatty degenera: ion of the:. nternied. iate zone showed a trend of slight increase.<BR>Except 2 patients to the treatment eras initially instituted with combined therapy of SM, INH and PAS for 6 rn, : nths and was shifted to the therapy with RFP thereafter, all the patients had been treated with other anti-tuberculosis drugs for a long period of time. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude that the pathological findings on the liver biopsy among our cases are derived from RFP alone, although the possibility of fatty degeneration by RFP could not particularly be denied. Based on the results with liver biopsy and liver function tests of the patients receivig RFP, it was consilered that the drug is fully worthy of clinical application.