- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, tuberculosis control program is conducted according to the tuberculosis control law. All tuberculosis patients are registered and supervised at the health center.<BR>The following indices used for the evaluation of tuberculosis control w e re made by combining the epidemiological figures such as mortality rate, incidence rate, prevalence and so on.<BR>Rate of infectious (in this article infectious means cavitary and or bacilli positive)<BR>cases among newly registered cases<BR>Rate of infectious cases among reg istered active cases<BR>Average duration of activity<BR>Average duration of i n f e ctivity<BR>Average duration of r e g istration after inactivation<BR>Ratio of mortality to prevalence of infe c t i o us pulmonary tbc.<BR>Ratio of mortality to incidence rate<BR>Distribution pattern of these indices by prefecture fitted to logarithmic normal distribution in the majority of cases.<BR>Various factors which might influence these indices were examined with special reference to their background factors.
- いま何故腎か (腎疾患特集)
- 地域における結核対策の評価に関する研究-1-結核対策評価基準の作成-1-結核対策評価のための指標の設定と各指標の持つ意義に関する検討
- 地域における結核対策の評価に関する研究-1-結核対策評価基準の作成-2-各指標の組合せによる評価基準の設定