- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to report the clinical courses and results of arthroscopic debridement with continuous irrigation or suction drain in patients with septic arthritis of the shoulder. We studied five patients (two males, three females) with septic arthritis of the shoulder who underwent arthroscopic debridement and were followed up for more than 3 months. The average age was 66.6 years old. We reviewed the course of infection, cultured organism, postoperative management, antibiotic treatment, total number of operations and JOA score. The courses of infection were injection in two cases, CVC catheter infection in one case, peritonitis in one case and no incentive in one case. Cultured organisms were MRSA in 3 cases, MSSA in 1 case and β streptococcus in 1 case. Transitions of culture result were found in all irrigation cases. Continuous irrigation was performed in 3 cases. The total number of operations in all cases was 2.0 times on average (irrigation cases; 2.7 times, suction drain cases; 1.0 time). The first administered antibiotic agent was VCM, VCM+GM, LZD, CEZ and ABPC. Antibiotics were changed an average of 2.2 times during the treatment (irrigation cases; 3.0 times, suction drain cases 1.0 time). The mean duration of antibiotic treatment after final surgery was 46.2 days. Recurrence of the infection did not occur in any case and mean JOA score was 82.9 points at final examinations.Arthroscopic debridement is effective and less invasive to patients with septic arthritis of the shoulder but various post operative managements such as continuous irrigation or suction drain are selected in each institution. In our study, antibiotics were changed several times and multiple operations were carried out in continuous irrigation cases. Arthroscopic debridement with suction drain and optimal antimicrobial treatment is an effective strategy for selected patients with septic arthritis of the shoulder.
- 医学生のラグビー外傷と安全対策
- 最近経験した結核性肘関節炎の1症例
- 原因不明の陳旧性橈骨頭脱臼の1例
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- 頚椎に発生し脊髄症状を呈した骨軟骨腫の一例
- 広範囲に発症し両下肢麻痺を呈した骨結核の一例
- MRSA化膿性肩関節炎の3例
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- 医学部ラグビー部員の頚椎メディカルチェックと安全対策
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- 肩関節後方不安定症に対する手術治療成績
- 肩腱板断裂後の棘上筋筋腹のMRI評価
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- 腱板断裂例における肩峰の形態と画像所見の対比
- 腱板断裂患者の肩甲上腕リズムの分析
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- 腱板断裂の手術治療成績
- 肩腱板断裂における肩甲骨の三次元的動態分析
- 腕神経叢麻痺に対する肘関節機能再建術
- 腱板断裂修復時の張力測定
- SLAP lesion におけるMRI Arthrography の有用性
- 腰椎化膿性椎間関節炎の1例
- 右上肢切断により救命し得た壊死性筋膜炎の1例
- 医学部ラグビー部員の頚椎メディカルチェックと安全対策
- 腱板断裂に対する超音波検査
- 腱板断裂におけるMRI Gradient Echo法T2^☆強調画像とFast Spin Echo法T2強調画像の比較
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- 鏡視下手術を施行した陳旧性肩関節後方脱臼の1例
- 腕神経叢損傷および分娩麻痺に対する肩関節機能再建術の検討
- 嚥下障害及び発声障害をきたした強直性脊椎骨増殖症の1例
- 医学生のラグビーにおける頚髄損傷
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- 陳旧性肩関節前方脱臼の観血的治療成績
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- 変形性肘関節症における手術成績
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- 非外傷性上腕骨頭壊死の治療経験
- 上腕骨大結節, 小結節の骨棘の発生頻度
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- 転移性脊椎腫瘍に対する手術治療経験
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- 大腿骨遠位部骨折に対するロッキングプレートを用いたMIPO法の経験
- MIPO法による staged management を用いた脛骨骨幹部開放骨折の1例
- 保存的治療により骨癒合が得られた小児歯突起骨折の1例
- 当院における肩腱板断裂の再手術例の検討
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- 下腿骨骨折に対する Staged Management
- 亜急性期に手術を行った遠位上腕二頭筋腱皮下断裂の1例
- 当院での肩腱板不全断裂に対する鏡視下腱板修復術の治療成績および術後の肩峰下侵食像の MRI 評価
- 鎖骨近位骨端線損傷の2例
- 肩腱板広範囲断裂に対するパッチ法の適応と限界
- 上腕骨近位端骨折に対するMIPO法の経験
- 患者立脚肩関節評価法 "Shoulder 36 Version 1.3" の特徴と使用法
- 肩関節に発生した色素性結節絨毛性滑膜炎(PVS)の2例