- 論文の詳細を見る
When a small alternating potential V sin co t is superposed on the Langmuir probe, increase of the rectified direct current is given by<BR>Δ<I>j</I><SUB>e</SUB>=<I>j</I><SUB>L</SUB>{I<SUB>O</SUB>(eδV/<SUB>k</SUB>T)-1}<BR>provided that electrons in a plasma have the Maxwellian distribution. <I>j</I><SUB>L</SUB> is the electron current density measured by the Langmuir probe. T is. the electron temperature. I<SUB>O</SUB>(X) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind and of O-th order. Experimental studies have shown that, besides the resonance increase of the direct current at the electron plasma frequency, the rectified increase of the direct current diminishes quite rapidly in the high frequency region. In this paper, the diminishing of the rectified direct current increase is explained theoretically in terms of the finite transit time effect of electrons which traverse through the sheath region.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- Nonlinear Propagation of Heat Pulses in Solids
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- Gardner-Morikawaの変換 (第2回核融合理論研究集会報告)
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- 乱れたプラズマの輸送係数 (プラズマの乱流現象に関する実験的および理論的諸問題研究会報告) -- (乱流プラズマに伴なう輸送現象)
- S. Ichimaru : Basic Principles of Plasma Physics ; A Statistical Approach, W. A. Benjamin, Massachusetts, 1973, 324ページ, 23×16cm, 6,840円.
- 4p-KS-2 逓減攝動論、非線形波動とプラズマ加熱
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- On the Damping of Plasma Oscillations
- 交流探針における共鳴現象
- プラズマ振動に対する相関効果について
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- 交流探針における有限飛翔時間効果
- Binary Correlation Corrections for the Dielectric Constant of Electron Plasma
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- 高温プラズマの運動方程式について