Staphylococcus L-formの腫瘍壊死因子(Tumor necrosis factorα: TNFα)の誘起能
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Induction of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) by Staphylococcus aureus L-form was investigated. The supernatant of a macrophage culture mixed with S. aureus L-form showed a potent cytotoxic activity to L cells. Addition of anti TNF-α antibody inhibited completely the cytotoxic activity of the supernatant, indicating that the activity might be due mostly to TNF-α. To investigate localization of TNF-α production, the membranes of hypotonicity treated L-form were layered on a step-gradient composed of an upper and lower layers of 35% and 50% sucrose, respectively. The membranes were banded at the interface of 35% and 50% of sucrose. The activity of TNF-α production of the membrane fraction was 10-times higher than that of the soluble fraction.
- 日本細菌学会の論文
天児 和暢
梅田 昭子
九州大学医学部 細菌学教室
松浦 育子
久留米大学 細菌
桑野 剛一
荒井 澄夫
松浦 育子
久留米大 医
山本 康道
梅田 昭子
桑野 剛一
荒井 澄夫
松浦 育子
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