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A case of epulis fibro-osteoplastica. Although epulis is a phyma of relatively high incidence in the oral mucosa, less reports an epulis with bone formation in fibrous tissues have been so far available. We recently experienced a case of epulis fibro-osteoplatica and the clinical couse is described in this paper. A 45 year old female noticed a swelling of the palate of the maxillary incisors around April, 1981. Under the diagnosis of palatal tumor, an incision was given, resulted in a temporal reduction in the tumor size. However, the tumor gradually increased in size on and after October and the patient was then referred to our department.<BR>The phyma was perdiculated having the base in the palate at 3|2 portion and the elastic hard, smooth surface without tenderness. The surrounding mucosa was normal. The tumor including its surrounding mucosa was removed and alveolar rearrangement was performed followed by a tentative suture and closure. The size of tumor thus extirpated was 25×15×12 mm, and the cut surface was grayish white, solid and elastic hard with many hard tissues.<BR>Pathologically, irregularly shaped bone formation was noted among many proliferated fibrous tissues suggestive epulis fibro-osteoplastica. The prognosis is evenful without any tendency of relapse as of 2 years lapsed after operation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
河野 生司
鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 顎顔面機能再建学講座 顎顔面疾患制御学分野
伊東 武嗣
医療法人伊東会 伊東歯科
伊東 隆利
伊東 隆利
与儀 実彦
山内 透
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