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Osteosarcoma is high malignant neoplasm and the prognosis is poor. We established transplantable strains of nude mouse derived from human osteosarcoma originating in mandible (HOSMN-1) and experimented on anticarcinoma activity of Rhodamine-123, a mitochondrial specific dye, and the following results were obtained.<BR>(1) Histologically, HOSMN-1 consisted of atypical spindle, polygonal cells and bizarre multinucleated giant cells, and collagen fibers were also identified. In some places, storiform like pattern was revealed.<BR>(2) Both alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and acid phosphatase (ACP) stains showed positive granules in the tumor cells.<BR>(3) In chromosomal analysis, it was confirmed that HOSMN-1 was of the human origin. We have maintained the tumor cells for about 2 years for 10 serial passages, but up to date, no malignant osteoid was identified. HOSMN-1 hadnt revealed any differentiation or dis-differentiation.<BR>(4) On anticarcinoma activity of Rhodamine-123, a group administered 15 mg/kg × 4 times (i.m.) had significantly showed a growth inhibition effect in comparison with a control group, and the disappearance of tumor in 30% was observed.<BR>(5) Ultrastructurelly, in a group administered Rhodamine-123, especially, mitochondrial expansion, distortion and disappearance of crista were markedly seen. These findings supported the contention that Rhodamine-123 is a specific mitochondrial dye.
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