An experimental study of augmentation using glass ceramic granules.
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This study evaluates the mandibular response to alveolar ridge augmentation with bioactive glass ceramic granules in adult dogs. The lower P 2, P 3, and P 4 were extracted and alveolar ridge augmentation of the mandible took place one month later; 5 to 300 days after the operation the mandible with the glass ceramic granules were extirpated.<BR>The results showed new bone formation from the lingual cortical bone to the bioactive glass ceramics 10 days after the operation, after which the bone formation spread to the alveolar ridge and periosteum of the mandible.<BR>New bone has formed over the alveolar ridge 120 days after the operation; however, there is no new bone formation from the periosteum: new bone formation is earlier and wider on the lingual side of the augmented area than the buccal side.<BR>There was new bone on almost all of the augmented area 300 days after the operation.<BR>It is concluded that the bioactive glass ceramic granules have high tissue affinity and are useful for alveolar ridge augmentation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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- An experimental study of augmentation using glass ceramic granules.