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In this study, the relationship between the healing process of pedicle skin flap and diabetic microangiopathy was examined in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Experimental groups divided into 8 weeks and 16 weeks after induction of diabetic rat and non-injected rats were used as control Skin flaps in this study were prepared as a 1×3cm caudally based flap on the dorsal skin, and the animals were sacrificed at postoperative 3, 5, 7 days and 2 weeks, respectively.<BR>Serial histological slides were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for light microscopey and microcorrosion casts were prepared for SEM by Ohta's plastic injection method.<BR>Control group: three days after operation epithelialization was complete at the suture line and many inflammatory cells and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells appeared. New sinusoidal capillaries sprouted from the pre-existing dermal vessels. Five days after operation, blood vessels in the flap partially anastomosed with those of the host via new sinusoidal capillaries. Seven days and 2 weeks after operation, subdermal capillary networks gradually rearranged similar to a normal pattern.<BR>Experimental groups: The healing process of the 8 week diabetic group was similar to that of the control group. In the 16-week diabetic group, five days after operation epithelialization was incomplete and new sinusoidal capillaries sprouting from the dermal vessels did not anastomose with those from the pre-existing vessels of the host. Seven days after operation, microvascular anastomoses were observed between capillaries of the flap and the host. Two weeks after operation, new sinusoidal capillaries still remained at the suture line and subdermal capillary networks did not show a normal pattern.<BR>In conclusion, microvascular anastomosis of the subdermal capillary network between the flap and host was one important factor for the take of pedicle skin flaps. The healing process of the pedicle skin flap in diabetic rats was close! in proportion to the progression of microangiopathy.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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