Evaluation of mandibular trabecular structure. Special Attention to Orthopantomographic evaluation of Renal Osteodystrophy.:Special Attention to Orthopantomographic evaluation of Renal Osteodystrophy
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In the present study, we assessed whether it is possible to measure changes in the mandibular trabecular structure using orthopantomograms, which are frequently used in general clinical dentistry.<BR>Subjects of the present study comprised 159 patients (102 males and 57 females, age range: 24 to 76 years, mean: 47. 3 years, with a history of one to eight years of dialysis) with renal osteodystrophy (ROD), a disease common in patients with compromised renal function. The subjects were divided into eight groups according to the number of years of dialysis to compare the duration of dialysis with the results of clinical laboratory tests and orthopantomograms. The following results were obtained:<BR>1. Clinical laboratory tests showed that, compared with normal subjects, the levels of P, PTH, Al, and Mg in the patients increased, but HCO<SUP>-</SUP><SUB>3</SUB>, red blood cell count, and Hb decreased with an increase in the number of years of dialysis, thus confirming systemic disorders in these patients with ROD.<BR>2. Metacarpal index (MCI) decreased with increasing years of dialysis, showing a significant difference between the control group and patients in their 4th year of dialysis; however, the decrease was not remarkable thereafter.<BR>3. Mandibular lower cortical thickness (MLCT) in the molar region decreased progressively with increasing years of dialysis compared with the other measured regions. The differences were significant from the 2nd year, but no change was observed after the 5th year of dialysis.<BR>4. Mandibular trabecular width (MTW) in the molar region of patients showing changes in MLCT decreased significantly compared with control from the 3rd year of dialysis, but no change was observed after the 5th year.<BR>5. When the subjects were subdivided into a dentulous jaw group and an edentulous jaw group, significant decreases in MLCT were noted in the dentulous jaw group from the 2nd year of dialysis and in the edentulous jaw group from the 5 th year. Comparison of these two groups by the number of years of dialysis showed no significant difference.<BR>6. Likewise, MTW decreased significantly from the 3rd year of dialysis in both the dentulous jaw and edentulous jaw groups. Comparison of these two groups by the number of years of dialysis revealed significant differences from the 4th year of dialysis: changes in the dentulous jaw group were more remarkable.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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