- 論文の詳細を見る
Generally the specific fuel consumption of electric generator diesel engines, which are normally smaller, are more than that of propulsion diesel engines. So, it is said that shaft driven generator systems is effective to reduce the fuel consumption of ships.<BR>By the way there are wide variety of fishing methods and different types and many sized fishing boats. Power output of propulsion engines and generators of fishing boats varied in accordance with the kind of fishing, and their load varies widely by the operating condition.<BR>So, author selected following seven model fishing boats from the so called medium-size fishing boats to compare fuel economy of the shaft driven generator systems with that of the auxiliary engine driven system.<BR>1. Squid fishing boats (99GT)<BR>2. Skipjack pole and line fishing boats (79GT)<BR>3. Tuna long liners (79GT)<BR>4. Tuna long liners (99GT)<BR>5. Salmon drift net boats (97GT)<BR>6. Small offshore trawlers (65GT)<BR>7. One boat purse seiners (80GT)<BR>And author also selected following two systems as the shaft driven generator systems of the above boats.<BR>1. Direct drive system (propulsion engine is running constant speed and boat speed is controlled by controllable pitch propeller.)<BR>2. Thyristor/inverter system<BR>Model operating patterns of these fishing boats during one year were established and calculated their fuel consumption on several generator driven system.<BR>Direct drive system was found ineffective for fuel saving except salmon drift net boat and one boat purse seiners. Thyristor/inverter system obtained 0.5-2.0% fuel economy. However in consideration with the initial cost, for medium-size fishing boats, shaft driven generator systems were not economical in comparison with auxiliary diesel engine driven generator system.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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