- 論文の詳細を見る
Transition of decay, missing and filling of the first molars was investigated for ten years using 119 female laborors who were born during 1932 and 1938 and had been working in a factory more than 10 years since they entered it at 15 years of age, with results as follows:<BR>1. The rate of DMF teeth in the seven cohorts showed a remarkable rise, that is, the average value increased from 45.4% to 73.3%. The rate of D-teeth alone showed a descend from 31.7% to 17.4% while those of F-teeth and M-teeth showed remarkable ascend, from 7.4% to 40.1% and 6.3% to 15.8%, respectively.<BR>2. The rates of individuals having caries experience in their first molars were as high as over 80% in all Cohorts who were born during 1932 to 1936, while those in 1937 birth Cohort and 1938 birth Cohort were relatively low. As a general tendency in all cohorts, rates of DMF teeth and individuals having DMF first molars show an abrupt rise at 16-18 years of age, gradually ascending thereafter.<BR>3. The rate of F-teeth and that of individuals having a completely treated F-teeth in each cohort show irregular curves but they always tend up-ward throughout the ten years.<BR>4. Each cohort showed a gradual increase of missing teeth, the average value changing from 6.3% at 15 years of age to 15.8% ten years later. The rate of individuals having missing molars rose from 13.4% to 38.6%.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
佐々 良
佐々 良
高階 皓三
成沢 敦子
榎本 岩司
品川 明
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