- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of size, maturity, and impact position of fruit on the severity of mechanical injury of peaches were studied. The results obtained are summarized as follows:1. In both impact and compression treatments, the severity of injuries was closely correlated with fruit maturity. With respect to impulsive collisions, the flesh firmness allowable for resisting mechanical injuries could be determined. When 'Sunago-wase'peach fruits were dropped onto a hard board 2.7cm thick from a height of 20cm, the allowable flesh firmness was about 21b. by the Magness-Taylor pressure tester.2. Even in mature fruit, fleshy tissues subjacent immediately to the skin were not injured by conventional handling. In the overripe fruit, however, such subjacent tissues became very sensitive to bruising. Most lesions belonged to the shape pattern of either 'ship′s bottom'or'inverted triangle'.3. No correlations were observed between fruit weight and severity of bruising, although small fruits (32 fruits to a packing frame) seemed relatively sensitive to compressive loads.4. Bruises occurred most frequently at the stem end of fruit. However, there were no significant differences in flesh firmness among different locations on the fruit.
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