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In order to modify the properties of porous anodic oxide films on aluminum, much work has been done to introduce metals, organic and inorganic materials into the film pores by various processes We know that while the pores are successfully filled by electrolytic depositing for metals, but it is difficult to fill the pores by dipping Specifically, no one has yet succeeded in pore filling or the modification of pore walls by dipping for organic and inorganic materials In this work, we have tried to control film pore size by a sol-gel dip-coating process using metal alkoxide For this purpose, porous films which were formed in an oxalic acid solution were dip-coated in sols consisting of mixed solutions of silicon ethoxide [Si(OC2H5)4 TEOS], ethyl alcohol, water and additives SEM observation were made of the influence of sol composition and aging time on oxide formation in the pores The SEM results, showed that the sol penetrated along the pore walls filling the pores, and a method of controlling pore size was found The inorganic oxide formed in the pores seemed to consist almost entirely of SiO2 These results suggest that this sol-gel process can give a new usefulness to porous films
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