- 論文の詳細を見る
We present a 65 year-old man with acute monocytic leukemia who demonstrated cutaneous leukemic infiltration over most of his body. He was admitted because of chest pain, bleeding tendency, high grade fever. The red blood cell count was 182×104/μl, Hb 5.8g/dl, The Ht was 18.7%, The platelet count was 33, 000/μl, The white blood cell count was 76, 000/μl with a defferential count of 54% blasts. The blasts were negative for peroxidase, but positeve for butyrate and chloroacetate esterase. Bone marrow aspirtation revealed necrosis. Acute monocytic leukemia was diagnosed. 6 hours later he was died of respiratory insufficiency and DIC.Autopsy revealed extensive leukemia cell infiltration in the lung, liver, spleen, kidney, stomach, bone marrow, adrenal glands, skin, and lymphnodes of porta hepatis.
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