A case of skin primary CD30 (Ki-1) positive lymph vegetation with cervical vertebra destruction.
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A case of primary cutaneous CD30 (Ki-1)-positive lymphoproliferative disorder associated with destructive tumor in the C1 vertebral body was described. A 50year-old Japanese man who had multiple red papules on his trunk and extremities for 2 years developed an ulcerated tumor measuring 65×48 mm on his left calf. Histological examination of the tumor showed a polymorphous cell infiltrate containing a considerable number of anaplastic large cells. Immunohistochemically the anaplastic large cells showed CD30 (Ki-1)-positive staining. The histological examination of the red papules showed different findings depending on the time of biopsy. First specimen taken from his right forearm on the admission showed perivascular mild mononuclear cell infiltrates. Second specimen taken from his left forearm 1 year later showed a polymorphous cell infiltrate including anaplastic large cells. The specimen obtained from ulcerated tumor showed a clonal gene rearrangement in a β chain of the T-cell antigen receptor genes. Shortly after the admission, the patient had right neck pain. Radiographs, CT, MRI examinations revealed a tumor mass which destructed the right C1 vertebral body. Both neck and leg tumors responded well to radiation and chemotherapy.
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
間島 直彦
藤山 幹子
橋本 公二
間島 直彦
村上 信司
井伊 真由美
藤山 幹子
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- A case of skin primary CD30 (Ki-1) positive lymph vegetation with cervical vertebra destruction.
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