Case of multiple superficial basal cell epithelioma.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have encountered a case of multiple superficial basal cell epitheliomas of the dorsal thoracic region which appear to be histopathologically rare, and report the findings. A 66-year-old man visited our clinic with a presenting complaint of multiple pigmented spots in the dorsal thoracic region. He had a past history of arsenic ingestion, but no history of radiation. The skin eruptions were distinctly demarcated pigmented spots of sizes varying 1×1cm to 10×10cm, scattered in the region from the upper to the low back region, and two similar spots were also found in the anterior region of the chest. Biopsy was diagnostic of superficial basal cell epitheliomas, with all the spots made up of basophilic cells which were continuous with the epidermis, forming honeycomb-like foci of various sizes and proliferating bud-like form in the cutis, with the cells around the cell foci being of palisade arrangement.
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- Case of multiple superficial basal cell epithelioma.
- Basal cell epithelioma.Basal cell epithelioma of a brother and sister.