Patho-Clinical Study of Gastric Polypoid Lesions
- 論文の詳細を見る
212 polypoid of 92 cases of gastric polypoid lesion are studied and the following results are obtained.1) For the generation of polyp with stem, first the local prolifiration of the mucosa as the center, and roughness of the submucosa of this region are neccesary. Then the strong peristalsis push up the musclaris mucosa.2) The musclaris mucosa is classified into following four types; horizontal type, box type, tent type, hair pin type.3) Muscle fibre of the mucosa are grouped into two types; susuki (pampas grass) type and fountain type.4) The main type of polyp with wide base are horizontal type box type and susuki type.5) When the polyp become to have the stem, tent type, hair pin type and fountain type are seen more commonly.6) If the cancer remains in mucosal layer, the elevated early gastric cancer shows the same tendency like polyp.7) When the cancer invates the submucosa, mucosa are pushed up. This mechanism is called as "Push Up" force. This factor is thought to be the main factor for the elevation of mucosa in the case of submucosal type of the early gastric cancer.
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