Clostridium difficile toxin による実験的出血性大腸炎の発症機序に関する研究 特に血小板活性因子に関する検討
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<I>Clostridium difficile</I> is thought to be an important causative agent of antibiotics associated colitis. However its mechanisms are not fully understood. The present study was designed to elucidate the effect of PAF and free radicals on experimental hemorrhagic enteritis induced by <I>Clostridium difficile</I> toxin. PAF concentration in the portal blood and accumurated fluid, disturbance of the vascular endotherial cells in the ligated jejunal loops and chemiluminescence activity of WBC in the control group's rats increased from 4 hrs over 10 hrs after the administration of <I>Clostridium difficile</I> toxin. On the other hand, the amount of fluid accumulation, protein concentrations in the accumulated fluids, histological changes in the ligated jejunal loops of toxin administered rats and chemiluminescence activity of WBC were significantly suppressed by PAF antagonist (CV6209 : TAKEDA). These results suggest that PAF and free radicals may have some role in microcirculatory disturbance and hyperpermeability of the blood vessels in the intestine of hemorrhagic enteritis induced by <I>Clostridium difficile toxin</I>.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文