- 論文の詳細を見る
Regional distribution, age, sex, type of disease and history of surgery of the biliary tract were examined in 134 patients with hepatolithiasis in the Kamigoto district.The ratio of patient to populatin was 1:126 in the region showing the highest incidence. When classified by age at establishment of the diagnosis, patient in their sixties comprised the largest portion in both sexes. The ratio of men to women was 1:1.2. When classified in accordance with the draft by Resarch Group for the Study of Hepatolithiasis, 103 cases (76.9%) were of the intrahepatic type, and 31 cases (23.1%) were of the intra-extrahepatic type. The stones were found in the right lobe in 58 patients (43.3%), the left lobe in 59 patients (44.0%) and the both lobes in 17 patients (12.7%). Fortyfour patients (32.8%) had a history of surgery of the biliary tract.Ultrasonographic examinaiton of the abdomen in junior high school students revealed hepatolithiasis in one.As a result, the intrahepatic type and the right lobe type are high frequency in this district, and epidemiological survey of the family history and the food habit in this district is necessary.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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