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The enteral hyperalimentation with elemental diet (ED) is now very useful method in the treatment of malnutrition especially before or after surgery.The effects of ED on pancreatic and biliary secretion were studied in rats without anesthesia or any stimulants. Conventional intragastric administration of ED markedly stimulated pancreatic exocrine secretion, but intrajejunal ED didn't show any significant effects. There was no different effect on biliary secretion between intragastric and intrajejunal administration. Intrajejunal glucose and amino acid solution depressed pancreatic secretion, but no changes were found with fat emulsion. No significant differences were found in the balance studies of water, nitrogen and electrolytes between the control group and the experimental group with bile or pacreatic fistula during the administration of ED for ten days.We conclused that ED would be very useful in the nutritional management of surgical patients with pancreatic or biliary drainage or, so called, high output fistula.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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