Deconjugation of bile acids by human intestinal bacteria
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this report is to present the deconjugation of bile acids by numbers of strains of bacteria in the small intestine and feces. The small intestinal juice was aseptically aspirated by a double lumen tube with a rubber cover on the tip deviced by us ("Fukushima Type 1"). Bile acids were analyzed with thin layer chromatography.The results: 1) Among aerobic bacteria, species of which all of the strains split conjugated bile acids was enterococcus, and most of the strains split were Staphy. epidermidis and Lact. bifidus. Species of which none of the strains split were Esch. coli, Esch. communior, Esch. freundii, Lact. plantarum, Lact. acidophilus, Lact. buchneri, Lact. cellobiosus, Lact. bulgaricus, Staphy. aureus, Aerobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, candida, proteus, serratia, and almost none of the species split was Intermediate coliform bacilli. 2) Among anaerobic bacteria, species of which all of the strains split were Bact. vulgatus, Bact. thetaiothaomicron, Bact. uniformis, Coryne. granulosum, Coryne. avidum, Peptostrept. putridus, E. lentum, Pept. grigoroffii, Pept. anaerobius, V. orbiculus, and most of the strains split were Coryne. diphtheroides, E. parvum, Peptostrept. intermedius. Species of which none of the strains split were Coryne. parvum, Peptostrept. micros, V. alcalescens, V. parvula, Catena. catenaforme, and Catena. filamentosum. 3) All or none, or almost all or none, of the strains of each species tested split conjugated bile acids, and it seems probable that the presence or absence of this ability would be a proper character of each species.
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- Deconjugation of bile acids by human intestinal bacteria