Nucleic Acid Metabolism in Human Chronic Liver Disease by In Vitro Autoradiography:II. Distribution of Cells with Damaged Nuclear DNA in Liver Tissue
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Needle-biopsy liver specimens obtained from patients with chronic liver diseases werefixed in 80% ethanol, embedded in paraffin and cut to 5μ thickness. The thin sliced liverspecimens were then incubated with a solution containing 3H-d-ATP, d-CTP, d-GTP, d-TTPand DNA polymerase. Autoradiography revealed cells being repaired from single-strandedto double-stranded DNA during incubation. The labeled cells were counted. The templateactivity of the cell nuclei was well preserved by this procedure. In livers of healthysubjects, about one-tenth of Kupffer cells were labeled. None of the other mesenchymalcell nuclei or the parenchymal cell nuclei were labeled. In chronic liver diseases, labelingwas observed in Kupffer cells, lymphocytes, fibrocytes and histiocytes. The labeling wasmore prominent in the active form than the inactive form of chronic hepatitis. Cirrhoticlivers also showed an increase in labeled fibrocytes. The parenchymal cells and bile ductcells, however, were rarely labeled in the liver disease patients. In chronic liver injury, increased DNA synthesis was observed in the rapidly proliferating mesenchymal cell nucleiand in cell nuclei with damaged DNA.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文