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We evaluated the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with hemiplegia after stroke using ultrasonography.Thirty patients with post-stroke hemiplegia (Brunnstrom stage 1-2) were enrolled. We evaluated clinical signs of DVT, ultrasonographic findings and D-dimer an average of 19.1 days after onset. Ultrasonographic findings were classified into three groups: (1) DVT: visualization of an intraluminal thrombus, lack of venous compressibility, and lack of signal on the color flow image. (2) Moyamoya-echo: intraluminal high echo signal with venous compressibility. (3) Normal findings.Nine patients (30%) had direct findings of DVT in the affected lower extremity. Six had proximal and three had calf DVT. Two of nine had DVT in the non-affected lower extremity. Moyamoya-echo was seen in six patients (20%). Patients with DVT and moyamoya-echo were older than patients with normal findings. D-dimer assays of patients with DVT showed higher values compared with moyamoya-echo and normal findings. Patients with hemiplegia after stroke were candidates at high risk of DVT. Ultrasonography was useful for screening of DVT. We think that Moyamoya-echo is a precursor sign of DVT.
前谷津 文雄
渡部 憲昭
宮城厚生協会坂総合病院 脳神経外科
今田 隆一
渡部 憲昭
宮城厚生協会泉病院 脳神経外科
荒井 祥一
宮城厚生協会泉病院 脳神経外科
今田 隆一
宮城厚生協会泉病院 脳神経外科
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