中国、韓国における1990年以降の環境教育の展開 ―日本の環境教育普及にとって有効な手法を求めて―
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This article outlines the progress of environmental education after 1990 in China and Korea. In China environmental education attaching great importance to scientific analysis has developed, but recently participation type environmental education is spreading. In secondary education in Korea environmental study is an elective subject. However, the choice ratio is sluggish. In China and Korea, as in Japan, school education tries to allow students to absorb environmental knowledge and environmental awareness in class. However, each country uses different methods of spreading environmental education. For example, In China, Ministry of Education orders all schools to arrange the time for environmental education and to carry out theme learning. The author recognizes that Japan should introduce some of the methods for the spread of environmental education found in China and Korea, for example: (1) oblige every elementary and secondary stage school to arrange a time for environmental education; (2) create textbooks for environmental education to prevent widening gaps in education; (3) provide legal and economic maintenance to enable the establishment of organizations that promote and support the cooperation of school environmental education and social environmental education.
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