内部標準法を用いたガスクロマトグラフィーによる脂肪酸定量法について : 面積補正係数対炭素数および相対保持時間との関係
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In the quantitative internal standardization method of fatty acids by gas liquid chromatography, calibration coefficients of response of each fatty acid (FA) must be obtained in preliminary. The authors found that this coefficient <I>k</I> has some relative relation to carbon number and to relative retention time (<I>RRT</I>), when FID and TCD are used as detector, and DEGS as packing liquid. Namely, the straight lines were obserbed on the relation of <I>k vs</I> carbon number for capric to linoleic acid, while a curved lines were obtained on the relation of <I>k vs RRT</I>. Therefore, as the practical method, when <I>k</I> of some standard fatty acids were previously obtained from each calibration curve with the relation indicated in equation (1), followed by drawing of the standard curve of <I>k vs</I> carbon number or <I>RRT, k</I> of the other unknown fatty acids may be possible to obtained from these relations.<BR>S/S<SUB>0</SUB>=k · a/a<SUB>0</SUB> ……<BR>S<SUB>0</SUB> : peak area of internal standard material. <BR>S : peak area of each fatty acid. <BR>a<SUB>0</SUB> : weight of internal standard material. <BR>a : weight of each fatty acid.
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- 内部標準法を用いたガスクロマトグラフィーによる脂肪酸定量法について : 面積補正係数対炭素数および相対保持時間との関係