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Vitamin E has long been regarded as an antioxidant preventing lipid peroxidation in biological membranes. The α-tocopherol content in the heart, lung, and spleen was higher than in the liver, kidney, testes, and brain. The α-tocopherol in these tissues of mouse administrated α-tocopherol orally increased about 1.2 to 4.1-fold by weight except for the brain. The α-tocopherol content in brain did not changed. The lipid peroxidation induced by Fe<SUB>2+</SUB>-ascorbic acid, cumene hydroperoxide, or <I>t</I>-butyl hydroperoxide was inhibited more in the liver homogenate obtained from α-tocopherol-treated mouse, than in the liver homogenate from the control mouse. This suggests that the oral administration of α-tocopherol enhances the content of α-tocopherol in various tissues of mouse and supplementary α-tocopherol effectively prevents lipid peroxidation of the tissues in biological systems.
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- もう一つの国際会議「ISSFAL 2000 in Tsukuba」
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- General Lipid Oxidation (Session BBB)
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