火山列島, 南硫黄火山の地質
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Minami-Iwo volcano is located at the southern end of Izu-Bonnin volcanic chain, 1300km south of Tokyo. It consists of three major volcanic edifices; older volcano I (OV1), older volcano II (OV2), and younger volcano (YV). At the boundaries between OV1 and OV2 and OV2 and YV, pyroclastic materials are characteristically observed; scoria fall deposit between OV1 and OV2, and scoria fall deposit and pyroclastic flow deposit between OV2 and YV. Older volcanoes, OV1 and OV2, are wholly composed of lava flows with both aa and pahoehoe surface textures. Younger volcano (YV), on the other hand, consists mainly of scoriaceous agglutinate which made up the steep slope of the main Minami-Iwo volcano. The older volcanoes are cut by numerous dikes (115 all told) which are dominant at the south and southwest sea cliffs. Four specimens collected from OV1, OV2 and dikes show normal thermoremnant magnetic orientation suggesting the oldest age less than a few hundred thousand years. Rocks of Minami-Iwo volcano are ankaramite, olivine basalt, augite-olivine basalt and plagioclase phyric basalt. The petrographic features and the chemical composition show that the rocks of Minami-Iwo volcano are of alkali rock series. The basalt of alkali rock affinity is the first discovery for volcanoes located at the volcanic front in Japan.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
- Partial melt を含むはんれい岩の電気的性質(日本火山学会 1982 年春季大会講演要旨)
- 46P. 火山列島, 南硫黄火山の地質(日本火山学会 1983 年度春季大会講演要旨)
- 玄武岩質マグマの生成熱(日本火山学会 1981 年春季大会講演要旨)
- 1気圧,fo_2 control 下でのAbyssal tholeiite の溶融実験結果について : 日本火山学会1977年度春季大会
- オリピンとマグマの間のニッケルの分配 : 日本火山学会1976年度春季大会
- 20. 伊豆七島新島火山の岩石学的検討(日本火山学会 1975 年度秋季大会講演要旨)
- 51. 桜島火山の地質(日本火山学会 1975 年度春季大会講演要旨)
- 桜島火山の地質と地史 : テフロクロノロジーの応用 : 火山・火山岩
- 5. 桜島火山の Tephrochronology 及び噴出軽石と溶岩の対比について(日本火山学会 1972 年度春季大会講演要旨)
- 基礎 I
- サファイア窒化法による単結晶窒化アルミニウム薄膜の作製
- 伊豆七島火山岩類の微量成分 : 火山・火山岩
- 火山列島, 南硫黄火山の地質